12 de julho de 2023

Auslogics BoostSpeed – 15% OFF

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 is your one-stop PC maintenance and optimization tool. It is the ideal solution to speed up your computer and Internet connection. The program will clean up, speed up and fix your slow computer to make it run as fast and stable as new.

This powerful Windows optimizer also will boost Internet connections, tweak Windows to its peak performance, clean and defrag disks and the registry.


It’s a great way to speed up your PC and keep it clean and optimized. Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs.

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 will clean up disks and the Registry to speed up your computer and tweak Windows to its peak performance. Modify Windows settings, file system and services to greatly increase system performance.



Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 Features:

  • System Scan. Auslogics BoostSpeed has a brand new interface that allows you to jump straight in, selecting the desired actions. Your current system state is displayed in the main window. All major tasks, such as removing junk files, defragmenting disks and repairing registry errors can be done with just a couple of mouse clicks.
  • File Recovery. This tool will recover accidentally deleted files or files deleted by virus attacks and software faults. It has the ability to preview photos and even documents while browsing through the list of found files.
  • Disk Doctor. This tool checks your hard drives for problems related to bad sectors, lost clusters and directory errors. With Disk Doctor you will be able to recover data from unreadable sectors and monitor your hard drive health.
  • Disk Explorer. It helps you track disk space usage. It will display an intuitive and easy to understand pie chart, that will show you the largest files and folders on your disks.
  • Disk Defrag. It defragments files on your disks, so that they can be read and written faster. This greatly improves applications response time, system boot speed and overall computer performance.
  • Disk Wiper. Wipes free space on an entire drive, making sure that files you have deleted previously can’t be restored. To provide extra security, Disk Wiper allows turning off System Restore while wiping a disk.
  • Uninstall Manager. With this tool you can see all programs installed on your computer and uninstall any of them easily. Uninstall Manager shows you which programs you hardly ever use and warns if there are programs believed to be spyware or adware.

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 Other Features:

  • Internet Optimizer. This tool will speed up your Internet connection by optimizing numerous settings like Max MTU and RWIN specifically for the type of Internet connection you use.
  • Tweak Manager. Offers you over 280 settings to customize your Windows, web browsers, e-mail clients and IM software. For instance, you can tune Windows visual effects, make computer boot faster and improve system safety.
  • Duplicate File Finder. Useless duplicates waste your hard disk space and may also cause system slowdowns. Duplicate File Finder will help you to find and delete such files. By using this tool you can increase free space on your hard drive by up to 50%!
  • File Shredder. Permanently deletes files, folders and the Recycle Bin contents, so your sensitive data cannot be restored.
  • Startup Manager. Lists all the programs that start automatically on Windows boot or when you log on to your PC. You can easily manage the list by adding new programs and removing unnecessary startup applications.
  • Service Manager. It will help you to identify and disable unnecessary services by providing comprehensive descriptions and recommendations for each running service.
  • Task Manager. It lets you track all running applications and processes. It displays CPU, RAM and disk usage by individual program or process, as well as total consumption of system recourses.
  • System Information. This tool will show hardware configuration and operating system details, as well as all programs and drivers installed on your PC.
  • Rescue Center. It store all changes made by the program on your computer.
  • Browser Manager. Provides detailed information, ratings for add-ons and toolbars installed in your web browsers, and lets you safely manage them.



10 de julho de 2023



A sabedoria é um conceito complexo e multifacetado, geralmente relacionado ao conhecimento profundo, à compreensão da vida e ao discernimento para tomar decisões sábias. Envolve não apenas a aquisição de informações e fatos, mas também a capacidade de aplicar esse conhecimento de forma significativa e benéfica.

Aqui estão algumas características e princípios associados à sabedoria:

  1. Conhecimento e experiência: A sabedoria é baseada em um profundo conhecimento e compreensão de uma variedade de assuntos, adquiridos por meio da aprendizagem, da experiência pessoal e da reflexão.

  2. Visão holística: A sabedoria envolve a capacidade de ver o quadro completo e entender as interconexões entre diferentes áreas da vida, evitando uma abordagem estreita e simplista.

  3. Pensamento crítico: A sabedoria incentiva o pensamento crítico e a análise reflexiva. Ela permite que você avalie informações, examine diferentes perspetivas e tome decisões com base em uma compreensão mais profunda e ponderada.

  4. Compreensão das consequências: A sabedoria considera as consequências de longo prazo e os impactos de suas ações. Ela leva em conta não apenas o presente, mas também o futuro e o bem-estar de todas as partes envolvidas.

  5. Humildade: A verdadeira sabedoria está associada à humildade e à consciência de que ainda há muito a aprender. Ela reconhece as limitações do conhecimento humano e está aberta a novas perspectivas e informações.

  6. Empatia e compaixão: A sabedoria envolve a capacidade de se colocar no lugar dos outros, compreender suas emoções e agir com empatia e compaixão. Ela busca o bem-estar e a harmonia entre as pessoas e a sociedade como um todo.

  7. Auto-domínio: A sabedoria também está relacionada ao auto-domínio e ao equilíbrio emocional. Ela permite que você tome decisões racionais, controle impulsos negativos e mantenha a calma em situações desafiadoras.

  8. Aprendizado contínuo: A busca pela sabedoria é um processo contínuo. Ela requer uma mente aberta, disposição para aprender com os erros e a vontade de se adaptar e crescer ao longo do tempo.

Lembre-se de que a sabedoria é uma jornada pessoal e única para cada indivíduo. Ela pode ser desenvolvida ao longo da vida por meio da busca constante de conhecimento, experiência e reflexão.